by Allen Curreri | Feb 10, 2025 | Exercise, Running
The connection between nutrition and mental health has gained significant attention in recent years, with growing evidence highlighting the critical role of the gut-brain axis. This bidirectional communication system between the gastrointestinal tract and the central...
by Allen Curreri | Jul 26, 2019 | Running
Running any type of race can potentially be challenging and intimidating; from hometown 5ks to city-based marathons, different events pose different obstacles (sometimes, quite literally), and each will require a specific type of training to increase your chances of...
by Allen Curreri | Jul 9, 2019 | Running
Running any type of race can potentially be challenging and intimidating; from hometown 5ks to city-based marathons, different events pose different obstacles (sometimes, quite literally), and each will require a specific type of training to increase your chances of...
by Allen Curreri | May 31, 2019 | Running
Logging can be crucial to any fitness-based regimen, but it is arguably the most applicable to distance running. From mileage to pace, there is an almost countless amount of metrics that a distance runner may want to track during a training cycle; this not only helps...
by Allen Curreri | Apr 29, 2019 | Running
Are you a runner looking for ways to build foot muscle strength and guard against injury? Consider making the switch to minimalist shoes. Unlike traditional footwear, which can restrict the movement of key muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments, minimalist shoes are...
by Allen Curreri | Apr 29, 2019 | Running
Running, as a collective sport and passion, is a regular source of clashing ideologies and approaches to training, but one observation has generally endured across runners and coaches of all experience levels: active warm-ups almost always trump static stretches as an...