by Allen Curreri | Oct 12, 2017 | Running
Rainy days bring out the blue in all of us. On some mornings, it can feel as though rolling out of bed takes more emotional energy than you have to spare – that leaving the house and engaging with other people requires far more from you than you can give. On...
by Allen Curreri | Sep 1, 2017 | Giving Back
The town looks more like the set of a disaster film than a place to call home. Floodwaters creep into embattled houses as families flee onto roofs, desperately trying to keep their children warm against the rain. They face the destruction of their homes, and wonder...
by Allen Curreri | Aug 24, 2017 | Giving Back
The hours tick on as the parent waits, but amidst the constant white halls of a hospital she finds it difficult to tell just how much time has passed. It’s been days since she first brought her son in for his hacking cough, but she hasn’t kept track; she simply...
by Allen Curreri | Aug 9, 2017 | Running
No one likes going to the gym. More often than not, the place is pervaded by the rank smell of sweat, old metal, and damp towels, and the conversation that breaks through the quiet atmosphere is usually restricted to an “Excuse me,” or “Are you done...
by Allen Curreri | Jul 10, 2017 | Running
It’s one of those golden summer days, the perfect ones. The sun shines golden in a cloudless blue sky, and there’s a faint warm breeze weaving through the screen door. All you want to do is lace up your sneakers and head out for a run – but it’s noontime and you...