Debunking Three Myths About Running Injuries

Debunking Three Myths About Running Injuries

Injuries are an unfortunate, albeit common, part of distance running; they stem from an almost countless list of factors, from muscular imbalances to improper footwear. Regardless of the reason, an injury can be both physically painful and mentally draining as you...
The Benefits of a Mindful Approach to Running

The Benefits of a Mindful Approach to Running

In his biographical novel, The Origin, Irving Stone describes how Charles Darwin walked on a designed path on his property. Each time he came around to his starting point, he kicked a small stone, placing it on a line with the others so that he had could later count...
Preparing For Your First Marathon

Preparing For Your First Marathon

It is 2018 and bucket-lists are far from an ending fad. While traveling and dining destinations are sure to make the cut, there is a surprising bucket-list contender that is more common than one might think: marathon running. Completing 26.2 miles is an ultimate...